Our Value Proposition
We collaborate with you to design your Organisations operating system so that your business and its people can perform at their best. Our designs consider numerous critical business factors from strategic priorities to unique business strengths and ensure that your business can transfer policy into practice.
The need for Organisation redesign is evident with firms regularly looking to adjust their strategy to stay relevant, but identifying and navigating the latest pivot can be challenging – this is where Project7 come in. We integrate structure, process and people for a holistic performance impact.
We understand the importance of getting Business System Design right, and that’s why we stay clear of ‘out of the box’ solutions and assess each Organisation on its own merits, creating more effective operating models linked to bespoke imperatives and opportunities of each company.
Featured Expert

Gareth Lewis
Gareth was a senior leader within the Toyota Motor Corporation, where he was mentored and coached in Lean Leadership in Japan.